
Established in 2006 by theInternational Sociological Association(ISA) and published by SAGE,International Sociology Reviews (ISR)is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual review journal dedicated to discussion within the sociology discipline and between sociology and the public—both scholarly and lay.

ISRis no less than the ISA’s bid to rekindle the sociological imagination, in particular by contributing to the further development of sociology as a global, and thus richly diverse and lively discipline. How social processes can be explicated under widely different political, economic, and historical conditions has become an inescapable theoretical and practical concern in a world where the free movement of people, goods, and techniques is being promoted or demanded as a basic principle of global life, and where "global society," albeit hazy in its feature, has entered our parlance.

ISRprovides an opportunity to examine whether, and in what way, perspectives on sociology as a science and on human experiences of the social are shaped by structures and worldviews developed in different areas of the planet, it therefore reviews sociological work produced in languages other than English.

·ISRreviews books that are of salient interest in different countries.

·ISRpublishes review essays of different kinds.

——Review essays of books written in the same language, comparing and contrasting the publications in sociological terms, providing information about how they relate to particular socio-political and historical contexts;

——Review essays on books written in different languages that deal with similar or parallel issues;

——Review essays that clarify similarities and differences among "sociologies" around the world, including those that explore the salience of sociological themes and approaches in areas of inquiry or cultural commentaries beyond those formally classified as "sociology."

·ISRpublishes symposium-type discussions by readers who have different orientations to a given publication. Such symposia provide opportunities to explore connections between sociology and other disciplines.

·ISRmay review books published in the past that have a place in local, regional, or global sociological canons, with an underlying goal of assessing their impact on the development of the discipline in different countries.

·ISRwelcomes occasional reviews that compare and contrast how sociological theory or research is presented through channels other than books, including journals, internet blogs, film, radio, and television.

·ISRalways seeks information on the "state of the art" on different continents. In this connection,ISRseeks to provide an overview of sociological publications in different countries, including schools and major influences; extent of distribution of sociological materials; their target audiences; teaching and research environments; and the status of sociological knowledge (broadly defined) in local or regional public spheres.


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  • sociology@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

  • 联系电话:027-67868324

  • 书记信箱:973141081@qq.com     经理信箱:pfu@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

